Nancy Annan

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Nancy Annan is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Trust Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University. She holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies and has 15 years of experience in peace, security, global development, and gender especially in Africa. Her work spans research, training, and development in several countries. She has worked extensively with civil society groups, academics, regional and international organisations on diverse initiatives including EU Horizon 2020 project on PeaceTraining. In 2014, she was selected by the US Department of State  for their International Leadership programme as one of the global women leaders promoting peace and security. She previously worked at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), and has authored more than 20 publications on gender, peacebuilding, and peace support operations.

Network Goals

  • Expanding research and policy engagements on women peace and security including in Africa

  • Building relationships and networks with scholars, policymakers, and practitioners working on the women peace and security agenda

  • Exploring new opportunities to strengthen collaborations and engagements between North-South actors, scholars and institutions working on women peace and security

  • Building synergies of women, peace and security initiatives and best practices across diverse contexts


  • Annan, N., Beseng, M., Crawford, G., and Kewir, J.K. (2021) ‘Civil Society, Peacebuilding from Below and Shrinking Civic Space in Cameroon’s ‘Anglophone’ Conflict’, Conflict Security and Development (CSD) Journal, 21(6), 697-725

  • Annan, N (2020) ‘Women and Political Leadership in Africa’. In Pathways into the Political Arena: The Perspectives of Global Women Leaders. eds. by Rosser-Mims, D., McNellis, J.A., Johnson-Bailey, J., and Egan, C. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

  • Annan, N. (2018) ‘Gender and Hybridity: Exploring the Contributions of Women in Hybrid Political Orders in West Africa. In Exploring Peace Formation Security and Justice in Post-Colonial States. 1st Edition eds. by Aning, K., Brown,M.A., Boege, V., and Hunt, C.T.  London: Routledge

  • Annan, N., and Allotey-Pappoe, S. (2016) “Women and Peace Support Operations in Africa”, In Annual Review on Peace Support Operations in Africa. eds. by  Birikorang, E., Jaye, T., and Okyere, F. Accra: KAIPTC