Luna K.C.

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Luna K.C. is an Assistant Professor in Global International Studies at the Faculty of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Northern British Columbia. Luna’s work is interdisciplinary and transnational and sits at the nexus of gender and armed conflict, women, peace and security (WPS), cybersecurity, and gender & disaster.  Luna is interested in understanding how gender and intersectional factors play a role in conflict, violence, peace, security, disaster and cyberspaces and shaped and reshaped gender norms, gender roles, and systematic (in)equalities. She has published widely on these topics. Recently, Luna received a Mobilizing Insights in Defense and Security (MINDS)-Targeted Engagement Grant to study ‘combating gender-based cyber violence.’ Her area specialties include South Asia and North America. When not working, she loves cooking, hiking and reading.

Network Goals

  • Collaborate with RN-WPS members in research, publications, dissemination, and grant writing efforts related to cybersecurity, gender & armed conflict, demobilization and reintegration, WPS, and gender & disasters.  

  • Support expanding networking opportunities with scholars and experts working on United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in Canada and globally.

  • Mentor and support graduate students interested in cybersecurity, gender and armed conflict, demobilization and reintegration, WPS, gender & disasters.


  • K.C., Luna and Whetstone, Crystal. (2024). Women, peace and security: Digitalization and cyberfeminist solidarity building in the global South. Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 105, p. 102952).

  • K.C., Luna and MacKenzie, Megan. (2024). Postcards from the Pandemic: Women, Intersectionality, and Gendered Risks in the Global COVID-19 Pandemic. Forum. International Studies Review. (Forthcoming, December 2024).

  • Whetstone, Crystal and K.C., Luna. (2024). A Call for Feminist Insights in Cybersecurity: Implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in Cyberspace(2024). In Anwar Mhajne and Alexis Henshaw (Eds). Critical Perspectives on Cybersecurity: Feminist and Postcolonial Interventions. Oxford University Press. Pp. 25-46.

  • Whetstone, Crystal., and K.C., Luna. (2023). Disrupting the Saviour Politics in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Global South: Grassroots Women Creating Gender Norms in Nepal and Sri Lanka. Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, 10 (1), 95-121.

  • K.C., Luna and Dorothea Hilhorst. (2022). "Gendered experience of disaster: Women's account of evacuation, relief and recovery in Nepal." International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 72: 102840.

  • K.C., Luna and Whetstone, Crystal. (2022). “Women, Peace and Security and Increasing Gendered Risk in the Era of COVID-19: Insights from Nepal and Sri Lanka”. Global Studies Quarterly. 2, no. 3.

  • K.C., Luna and Whetstone, Crystal. (2022). “Rethinking women, peace, and security through the localization of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 & National Action Plans: A study of Nepal and Sri Lanka”. Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 92, p. 102575).

  • K.C., Luna. (2019). “Everyday Realities of Reintegration: Experiences of Maoist ‘Verified’ Women Ex-Combatants in the Aftermath of War in Nepal.” Conflict, Security & Development 19 (5):453-474.