2023 Annual Symposium

Reimagining Women, Peace and Security

March 8 – 10, 2023 | Halifax, Canada

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In the ‘Year of Learning’, we worked towards deepening our learning from each other and of the limits and opportunities of the WPS agenda, developing new and supportive relationships. In this year's Symposium, we will build on last year’s experience and ask ‘How do we reimagine the agenda of Women, Peace and Security?’ and challenge our participants to collaboratively envision and craft new ways of thinking and doing that contests and transforms established principles and practices. We will work towards new policy, practice and pedagogy that centres anti-colonial, anti-racist, and feminist worldmaking: How do we reimagine peace in relation to gender and security?


  1. Provide space to deepen relationships and connections

  2. Facilitate new ways of engaging in policy, pedagogy and politics related to WPS;

  3. Work towards a Declaration on RN-WPS;

  4. Learn in relation to the histories and place of our hosts.